CIT Governance
In a Multi-Academy Trust (MAT), the Trust is responsible for all of its schools/academies. For the Community Inclusive Trust, governance of our MAT resides with Members, Trustees and Local School Boards.
Members: The members are akin to the shareholders of a company. They have ultimate control over the academy Trust, with the ability to appoint some of the Trustees and the right to amend the Trust’s Articles of Association. CLICK HERE to view the CIT Articles.
Trustees: The trustees are responsible for the three core areas of governance:
– Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction;
– Holding executive leaders to account for the educational performance of the organisation and its pupils, and the effective and efficient performance management of staff; and
– Overseeing the financial performance of the organisation and making sure its money is well spent.
CIT’s Members and Trustees oversee the whole organisation and the MAT is the legal Governing Body for all CIT schools, but much of the work of the Trust Board is delegated to the Local School Board. CLICK HERE to view the CIT Scheme of Delegation.
Meet the CIT Trust Board Members and Trustees…
Local School Boards and Local Governors
At Bowman Academy, we have a committed team of Governors who are actively involved in the life of the school. They reflect the community we serve and include parent, community and staff representatives. Governors serve as a key link between the Trust Board, parents/carers and the local community. They monitor the performance of the school, advising the Trustees on what’s going well and of any concerns.
If you want to bring any matters to the attention of the Local School Board, you should email the Clerk: or address your correspondence to the Chair of Governors at the school address.
The Governors are passionate about the school and are here to make sure that every young person is given the best education, opportunities and experiences possible. Our Governors play an important role in overseeing the work of the school, acting as “critical friends” for the Senior Leadership Team and holding the school to account for performance and development.
Please note that any complaints regarding the school must be raised in line with our complaints policy found HERE and cannot be raised with the Local School Board.
Find out more about CIT’s Governance Structure…
Meet our Local School Board
Kathryn Cook
Chair of the
Local School Board
Kathryn is a retired Methodist Minister. Before entering the ministry, she worked as a secondary school teacher and had a private teaching practice.
Kathryn has past experience as a governor and believes that governors have a crucial role to play in having a clear oversight of the school’s work. Kathryn is keen that children and young people have a safe, happy learning environment in which to flourish and achieve their potential.
Ashley Caress
Executive Headteacher
Ashley has worked in SEN schools since 2013.
Ashley is passionate about pupils of all ages and abilities having equal opportunities.
Ashley believes strongly in providing a wide range of experiences that enrich the lives of young people and help to best prepare them for life after school.
Ashley holds the NPQH and is a Specialist Leader of Education (SLE).
Becky Driver
Community Governor
Having been a nurse for 21 years (the latter 13 years an Education and Practice Development Nurse), Becky has taught a wide variety of subjects, led a number of projects and chaired certain sub groups throughout her career.
Becky feels passionate about children’s mental health issues and the resources available for them. Becky plans to play an active role, upholding standards, maintaining relationships with parents and carers.
Michaela Middleton
Community Governor
Michaela is a professional mother of two children with one child attending Foxfields Academy.
With a background in compliance, working with strategic development teams in various capacities, albeit in a different sector, Michaela
is keen to support Bowman Academy to achieve excellence at
every level.
Stephen Wigfull
Community Governor
Stephen is a Chartered Accountant who currently works as a Finance Director for a local Building Society.
Stephen believes in the importance of education for all, and is looking forward to supporting the direction of Bowman Academy.
Stephen has skills in finance, strategic leadership and risk management.
James Henson
Staff Governor
James is a class teacher at Foxfield’s Academy. He has been passionate about supporting young people with SEMH needs since visiting the school as part of his degree in Special Educational Needs and Inclusion, inspiring him to complete his teacher training in Primary education. James is keen to promote opportunities for pupils to develop and achieve their full potential both in and outside of the classroom. He has previous experience in several trustee and leadership roles in a local youth charity and is excited to contribute to the wider life of the school through his role as staff governor.
Paul Tallentire
Special Interest Trustee
Paul is an educational professional working in the sector for over 25 years. Having originally trained as a PE teacher he has taught, trained and held Senior Leadership roles across both public and private sectors, from Early Years to Post Grad. Now working in Children’s Residential Services, Paul is keen to promote the welfare and education opportunities for all young people to develop a love for learning and life.
Paul takes a special interest in Bowman Academy and Foxfields Academy.
Philippa Godley
Clerk to the
Local School Board
Please contact the clerk in the first instance via
LSB Documentation
A document will be posted here when ready.